Are you a cultural Christian or a true Disciple? Have you ever wondered what the differences are? You’d be surprised.

Find out how to live a life set apart for the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Our pastors walk you through identifying the differences while offering practical, Biblical steps in living a life following after Jesus!

Join us on our sermon series titled "Follow Me" as we learn to distinguish how Jesus defined True Disciples vs. Cultural Disciples.


A shift in the atmosphere is happening at a rapid pace. Will you be ready? Every season calls for a different level of preparation; it’s unwise to enter into a winter season wearing summer attire.

Listen to the testimonies and faith building stories of our leaders as we seek to prepare ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually for new seasons. “Prepare” is full of wise counsel and guidance on what, how and why to prepare!


The Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead. He’s been misunderstood for quite some time. He is the driving force behind our obedience, faith and good works in Christ Jesus. Everything that we do must be done THROUGH The Holy Spirit.

Listen as our leaders debunk myths about who Holy Spirit is, what His mission is on the earth, and the part that we play in the brilliant move of God!