Tuesdays at 7:15pm
Are you tired? Frustrated? Needing answered Prayers? We want to welcome you to Pursue.
Pursue is more than evening of worship and prayer - it’s a full day of reverence to The Lord. Join us in-person or online every week!
Support Ukraine
Civilians in Ukraine - men, women, and children - are suffering greatly from this unjustifiable Russian aggression. The war is impacting Ukrainians in the most horrific ways: homes and hospitals are being destroyed by Russian field artillery, aviation bombs, and tank shells; loved ones are lost, and families are being torn apart.
Here’s what happens when you support:
Working with students from Stanford University, we have secured a cargo plane which will allow us to ship much-needed medical supplies directly to Ukraine. We are also working on scheduling additional cargo planes to transport items which are currently difficult to buy in Europe.
Purchased $250K worth of packaged meals which will be distributed by the Ukrainian government to people in need.
Through a partnership with Euromaidan-Warszawa, $300K worth of first aid kits have successfully been delivered to Ukraine.
We are here to help families stay connected even if we cannot be together in person! We will have message videos and fun activities that will help your child grow deeper in God’s word!
Join us every Sunday Morning at 10:30 am!